Introductions were made though most of the members had met each other countless times before. The festivities finally began at around 4:30, with around 10 members. Ahaan, who could not stay for long, brought a card for WriteHereWriteNow (at least someone remembered!).
Richa, Mon and I had planned 4 games for the members to play. We started off with a toughie. Richa had brought a poem that she jumbled up and the members' task was simple: unjumble the poem!
Easier said than done! In the end, the first prize went to the person with 10 correct lines out of 22, Sohini. Oh well, they tried.
The second game was 'The Pairs Game". After great pondering, Mon and I found some interesting pairs that the members might have actually heard of! Each of the twelve members was given a chit with the name of a character and the game required them to ask all the other members 3 questions to ascertain who their partner was. Some of the pairs were Hansel and Gretel, Beauty and The Beast, Laurel and Hardy, and the winners, Batman and Robin, who were actually Rhea and Sohini.
The third game was "Odd One Out". This was a fun, though challenging game. Most scored quite highly but the final winner was Rhea who scored a perfect 10.
After a recess of about 10 minutes, during which time Sushant displayed his Yogic talents, much to the enjoyment of the members and Megha!
The last game was "The Kolkata Quiz". Most of the members were flummoxed by the questions! In their defense, we had included some trick questions. However, we had a clear winner in Sohini who scored 9 out of 10.
Then came the interesting part... the food! Indeed, the food was good. Richa had ordered the cake (all four pounds of it) from a well-known lady in the city and it was delicious! The members were extremely enthusiastic to get their hands on the stuff. Fortunately, Megha managed to ward them off till the final moment.
We had the pleasure of being joined by Megha's father (who's premises we were so efficiently destroying) for the "cake-cutting". However, he was not able to stay for long, though he did try a very small bite of the cake.
Thanks to Mon organising the members into a line, the cake was finally cut in an orderly fashion. We are still to figure out why Mon and I (who only joined in November last year) were cutting the cake! However, we aren't complaining!
Megha had edited the videos from our workshops at the Nature Study Park and at the Victoria Memorial which she played for the members while we enlisted the help of Sushant (or is it Tanmay, Mon would ask) to serve the members cake, chips and Megha's superb home-made vegetarian (bird flu, you know) burgers. Never had the members been as quiet than when they were munching on the delicious fare.
After seconds and thirds were had by all (especially Richa and the two of us!) the members dispersed, thanking us and of course, receiving further instructions to contribute to the site, this time with book reviews. Here's hoping!
Richa, Mon and I had planned 4 games for the members to play. We started off with a toughie. Richa had brought a poem that she jumbled up and the members' task was simple: unjumble the poem!
Easier said than done! In the end, the first prize went to the person with 10 correct lines out of 22, Sohini. Oh well, they tried.
The third game was "Odd One Out". This was a fun, though challenging game. Most scored quite highly but the final winner was Rhea who scored a perfect 10.
After a recess of about 10 minutes, during which time Sushant displayed his Yogic talents, much to the enjoyment of the members and Megha!
Then came the interesting part... the food! Indeed, the food was good. Richa had ordered the cake (all four pounds of it) from a well-known lady in the city and it was delicious! The members were extremely enthusiastic to get their hands on the stuff. Fortunately, Megha managed to ward them off till the final moment.
We had the pleasure of being joined by Megha's father (who's premises we were so efficiently destroying) for the "cake-cutting". However, he was not able to stay for long, though he did try a very small bite of the cake.
Megha had edited the videos from our workshops at the Nature Study Park and at the Victoria Memorial which she played for the members while we enlisted the help of Sushant (or is it Tanmay, Mon would ask) to serve the members cake, chips and Megha's superb home-made vegetarian (bird flu, you know) burgers. Never had the members been as quiet than when they were munching on the delicious fare.